My Working Holiday Adventure on Bedarra Island: Luxury Island in Australia

How do we get a job on a fancy island in Australia?

The idea of ​​working on a luxurious island was born in Brisbane, we spent a week in the city and were sending resumes everywhere until they contacted us from Lord Howe Island, we sent our documentation, however, at the last minute we lost the opportunity to work on that wonderful island, however, we were not discouraged and looked for all the resorts located on islands and sent our resumes to the websites' emails, requesting information if they had work available.

How do we get to the Island?

Getting to Bedarra was quite a process, we flew to Cairns again from Brisbane, there we had to take a bus that was going to leave us in a town called Mission beach and then take a boat that would leave us on the island.

The journey to Mission beach was entertaining, we took a van from the Cairns airport, the road was beautiful, green, many fields with banana plantations, the first time I saw them, I knew they existed, because many of the backpackers who were in Cairns, They worked in those fields, however, the perspective changes when you see them live and direct.

Banana plantations on the way to Mission Beach

Our boss told us that he would have a room in our name at a resort in Mission Beach, the minibus would have to leave us there, we would stay one night and then leave in the morning to the island in a boat taxi.

Entering the room was spectacular because it was hot and all I wanted was to shower and to our surprise the place was very nice with a pool. We packed our backpacks, went swimming in the pool and then had dinner at a local restaurant. We didn't really know what time we would leave for the island so we would have to wait.

The next day the instruction was to take a boat taxi to get to the place, the boat would first go to a neighboring island Dunk Island and then it would leave us to get on the boat, it made us laugh, getting wet with the backpack on our shoulders because there were quite a few waves , people who went to Dunk Island went with picnic things.

I think after half an hour or more we arrived at our destination, the place was wow, beautiful, full of palm trees, clear sand, truly paradise, the administrator welcomed us, showed us part of the place and where we would go to sleep, there was a mini building where the staff slept, we would share a room. We had to prepare it and we settled in.

The room had only the basics, no television, no air conditioning, only a fan on the ceiling, as well as a closet for clothes, we dedicated ourselves to collecting things to decorate our room the best we could, it was still a shame to share a room, we both had different personalities, but we survived.

The room we had was not luxurious, we had a roof over our heads and that was the important thing, we adapted as best we could and stayed that way for two months.

The job we had to do was similar to the previous one, we started as maids, but this place was five stars, the rooms were beautiful, the perfect place for honeymoons and yes, the resort at that time had nine villas that were used for honeymoons. honey therefore everything had to be perfect. Cleaning the rooms was a ritual since they had to shine and the lady who was the supervisor was like being in the army, I had not met a lady with so much energy. She appeared in places with towels, sheets in her arms and us sweating like hell.

In this place I learned to drive a mini golf cart that we used to move all the cleaning products and things necessary for the room, we had a great time laughing about how we could kill ourselves on that mini golf.

This was the vehicle to get around and carry everything we needed to make the rooms, it was entertaining, I really enjoyed driving it, a different experience.

Apart from working as a maid I started working in the kitchen cleaning dishes uffffffff I don't remember how many dishes, pots, utensils I washed in two months, but my mind was only on saving.

Working in that kitchen showed me that there can be bastard people who, because they are chefs, think they can treat people however they want, many temperamental people and, especially living on an island, they really appear to be characters.

I didn't want to overheat my head so I dedicated myself to working, reading, spending a lot, a lot of time on the beach under those palm trees, which now that I'm writing I really miss that part of Queensland, I fall in love with the place more.

On the days off we had we would go to town to shop at the supermarket and find out why we became friends with a local gentleman, therefore, he gave us accommodation and gave me his car to drive and do the shopping. 

We shared beautiful moments with him until we made the decision to leave, there were several factors that helped us say, the heat, the mosquitoes and it was time to separate.

My new destination would be Melbourne again, I would meet up with one of my best friends who was coming to Australia and I would start a land trip with another friend.

As the time living on the island came to an end, many more things happened, but I could definitely write a book.

This is just a small summary

Living in remote places often shows you the good and the bad of people and yourself.


The good

  • Saving, saving, saving depending on what plans you have in the future, for me it was changing my visa, and being a student it is not easy to work less

  • Learn to live with the minimum and see how much you are able to endure.

The bad

  • When summer arrives, the wet season begins, so if you are not good with humidity, heat and mosquitoes, it is better to return to the south.


My Working Holiday Adventure in Sydney: an unexpected connection


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